July 24, 2010

Hypo (w/o carrot tail) x Super Snow eggs.

Today we got our first eggs ever from this pairing. They may or may  not be fertile. Either way we will find out in a couple weeks if they are. =) Fingers are crossed. The hypo female, Patches; has a lot of green in her coloring, the male is my high-white super snow, Mittens. Hopefully we will get some really pretty Hypo Snows from this pairing. P.S. The photos here are half a year old. This pair is larger/older now then in these images. I need to break out the geckos and camera, and take some up to date photos of everyone.

July 23, 2010

Snow Bandit x Gem Snow het Raptor eggs

Cleo laid me some more eggs last night. These was larger then her last pair of eggs, hopefully these will be fertile, the last ones she laid turned out to be duds. =(

She laid these in her water dish but I found them right after she had laid them so hopefully it didn't affect them too much.